The 5 Types Of Hiphop Fans You’ll Meet In Your Life!


Hip-hop is universal and the fans are like non-other! If you’re like us you talk to so many different hip-hop fans that a pattern presents itself. If you haven’t gotten to that point in your hip-hop journey and want a good laugh about the different fans you’ll met along the way, have no fear, we’ve got you covered!

Let’s begin…

1. The“Real Hip-Hop” Fan:

These types of Hip-hop fans only listen to hip-hop music from before the year 2000. They are almost hip-hop fans to a fault — referring to every rapper of today as soft, unworthy etc. because inn their heart of heart’s nobody is better than Big Daddy Kane in ’88 and hip-hop died after Eric B. & Rakim broke up.

Ex: “Yo, That new Drake Album is pretty dope. He might be the greatest 0f —

2. The “Instant Classic” Fan:

You’ll see an “instant classic” fan if you open your twitter feed and look for reactions to the latest big hip-hop release. Every time an album by one of their favorite artists comes out they hail it as an instant classic after ONE LISTEN. These types of fans are die-hards and cannot be argued with. You’ll literally have to debate them all day just to get your point across.


Them: “I just heard the first 3 seconds of that new __________ Shit is straight fire!!!!”

3. The “That Shit Dope” Fan:
These are the fans aspiring rappers and producers play their music for on the daily. Every song you play for them garners the same reaction of “that shit ride” or “it’s dope man” etc. etc.

*Pro-Tip: if they respond “that shit ride” to every song you send them, there’s a good chance your music isn’t good and your friend is trying to be supportive. You’re welcome.

4. The “For The Culture” Fan
This type of Hip-Hop fan cites everything as being for the culture. That event they’re planning/DJing/want you to support is “For The Culture.” That new Kendrick album was for the culture. Everything is for the culture. They listen to everything from Migos, Drake, to Up & coming artists in their local town. THESE are the types of fans that indy artist should aspire to have on their team. If your team ain’t for the culture I don’t know what to tell you…

5. The Average Hip-Hop Fan
This fan is your regular everyday hip-hop fan. They aren’t as passionate as your “Instant Classic” fans but Thank God that they aren’t as purist as your “Real Hip-Hop” fans. And personally, at SnobHop these are our favorite fans.

— SnobHop