Emerging Trends That Musicians Should Be On The Lookout For in 2020


Artists have a lot to keep up with these days. There are so many platforms and new ways of reaching fans out there. So, with the new year less than 30 days away, we put our heads together and came up with 3 trends that artists should be on the lookout for as the new decade unfurls.

1. The Rise of TikTok & Triller

Social platforms go through a constant cycle of innovation, saturation which means that as each respective platform matures and looks for ways to monetize its following, it also runs the risk of becoming saturated with advertisers and losing the qualities that made it innovative. Such is the life of internet businesses.

And while that seems to be the story for Facebook first, and now Instagram, TikTok is flourishing as a result. TikTok now has over 500 million active users and plays an active role in the lives of Gen Z. it’s contemporary Triller has also helped to bolster the careers of many budding musicians by allowing fans to make remix video content for their social profiles — and by proxy allowing artists to increase the reach of their songs.

Lastly, the beauty of these new platforms lies in their non-algorithmic approaches to content. While the Instagram algorithm is pure wizardry at this point showing content from nonlinear content 3 days ago, Triller and TikTok are democratic in their approach; they simply show you new content from your followers and thing they think you’d enjoy; Fewer politics = more freedom for the user = more room for expression = more people using your platform.

2. The Return of the Big Budget Music Video

Following up on a point we made in our “5 Marketing Tips We Can Learn From DaBaby” (see here) labels are seeing the type of payoff that comes from creative video content and will likely opt for bringing back the extravagant music videos the early 2000s were known for. While we don’t expect it to be exactly like the days of Hype Williams and Melissa Ford videos, we do expect that labels and artists alike will put more effort into storyboarding and creative direction of their future music videos.

3. More Branded Content Partnerships to Launch Artists

In 2018 We saw some great branded content work with the Rick and Morty themed Run The Jewels video — and we’ll definitely see more sponsored content in the future. As consumers become more desensitized to advertising and find ways to block brands from unwanted communication branded content opportunities are going to become necessities to major label musicians who are hoping to break through the clutter.

There you have it. Did we miss a trend? Drop a comment and let’s build.

— SnobHop

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