Looking for the ‘Fast Forward’ Button: A Final Lesson From Insecure


I wasn’t sure what to name this one.

But it’s 9:33am. I’m off work until after new year’s and I’ve just woken up so my mind is clear. All the hallmarks of a good blog, right?

The series finale of Insecure was last night which for many including myself is a bittersweet moment. Bitter because we want more episodes. For life. But it’s also sweet because Issa Rae made a phenomenal tv show that now joins the pantheon of iconic black tv shows (word to Clint Coley).

The most relatable lines of the episode come from Issa. A particular favorite of mine was:

“I just want to fast forward to the part where everything is OK”


Who wouldn’t want to fast forward to that part of life? I think many Millennials, especially black Millennials, feel this way because those mid-to-late twenties are fu*king wild – between trying to figure out your career, maintaining relationships, seeing your peers have children, etc. there’s a lot of uncertainty to deal with; A quick scroll on Instagram can make you feel like your behind. It can make you feel… Insecu— let me stop.

It’s a lot though. And in some ways, I think we are all looking for the button.

If you find it, let me know.

Walking On an Unpaved Road

Prentice Penny, Showrunner for Insecure, tweeted this last night and it really resonated with me:

It’s a full-circle moment for both characters, but off-screen it’s inspiring to see, especially if you’ve followed Issa Rae’s journey from the beginning.

To my knowledge, she didn’t have an industry person co-sign her and walk her into all the right rooms, or a friend whose dad works for HBO that read her script.

For a while, all Issa had was herself. And it was all she needed.

I think creatives forget that at times. We think we need big budgets, better equipment, more support, etc. The reality is that we just need the basics and ourselves.

Nobody knows the exact details of your vision the way you do. And with that in mind, you’re walking on an unpaved road, building it as you walk. The journey isn’t one size fits all – and at the end of the day, your decisions don’t have to make sense to everybody else; they just have to make sense for you. After all, you’re the one who has to live it.

Insecure’s Greatest Lesson is About Being Secure.

It wasn’t always clear to me, but at its core, Issa Dee’s biggest obstacle as a character was her overcoming her insecurities. She wanted to be in a relationship with Lawrence but was afraid of what her friends would think. She struggled in her career and didn’t know where her life was going.

Once Issa got out of her own way, success soon followed in every arena of her life. And though she wasn’t sure where things are going, especially with Lawrence, she was open to finding out.

You Have to Know That It’s Going To Work Out

I’ve been lucky enough to run into a few famous people in my life and have lengthy conversations where I can hear their stories verbatim. The greatest takeaway I’ve found is that they didn’t know if things were gonna work out. They just believed in what they were doing and hoped it would work.

This lesson is something Issa talked about in one of her final scenes with Lawrence, and it’s a powerful thing to learn. Because ultimately, we all experience the challenge of believing for ourselves that something is gonna work out and then being okay with finding out whether things actually will. It can be a sobering reality to face.

But whether your back is against the wall, or your favorite TikTok pastor says you’re entering into a new season in your life, you have to believe things will work out. AND. You have to be okay with finding out whether they will or not.

How else does one go from a YouTube series to 5 season with HBO and a blossoming media empire? It starts with knowing that the journey is gonna take you somewhere.

Where? Who the fu*k knows. THAT’S the nerve-racking part. But I’m willing to bet it’s somewhere great.

So embrace the journey, friends. Find peace in the midst of chaos and security in all of your insecurities.


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