The Best Decision I’ve Ever Made Was Throwing Away My Old Twitter


This post is dedicated to all the new people I’ve started following on my new Twitter and to anybody in a stagnant relationship with their current Timeline on any app.

We’ve learned and heard the quotes over and over that you are the average of the company you keep, but how often do we assess our digital friends? Personally, I spent(d) way too much time on Twitter. This has lead me to a hedonistic lifestyle at times pretty much out of a lack of inspiration. I was searching for more dopamine hits via those likes, RTs, and replies.

It’s also lead me down a road of mindless scrolling and garbage consumption. If these people who I spent all this time with on my phone were around me in real life I might laugh and be entertained for a while but after a while, it’d get old and man, it did!

No offense to all those people I was following before but I had to throw the whole Twitter away in search of a new start and tribe. This coincided with just me growing tired of overconsumption of the same celebrity shit, messy shit and whatever else was going viral amongst the 90 percent. I am in no way blaming them or even myself though I should’ve never let it get that out of hand for that long. I was a different person when following all those people from my University and whoever else was on that twitter.

However, I would blame the fuck out of myself if I had let this continue for another year. I demanded change and that’s what I’ve gotten from a new and refreshed timeline. I’m still consuming on Twitter, but it’s knowledge for my growth. (Though a big goal of mine is to produce more than I consume and I’ll speak more on that in a later post.)

In todays times, I’d estimate that your social media network is worth maybe two out of the five people who you spend the most time with. My 2/5ths theory is what I’ll call it. It’s almost unavoidable and definitely not a knock to anyone but just a reminder to check in on our mental diets and what our screens are feeding us. This may not be a problem for you, and even if you’re doing good, can you find someone in a field you want to be in to follow? Or can you follow one less gossip page?

If possible, let’s perform an audit of the people on at least your most used social media if not all of the major 3. What are they posting? How is it influencing you consciously? Subconsciously? Or maybe a social media fast and detox is in order because you don’t even remember who you were before the dopamine hits/rushes of potential engagement.

Feel free to join me/my new tribe on Twitter @Dolo_Deon!